Midlands State University Library

Estimating continuous-time models on the basis of discrete data via an exact discrete analog

MacCrorie, J. Roderick

Estimating continuous-time models on the basis of discrete data via an exact discrete analog by J. Roderick McCrorie - Econometric theory Volume 25, number 4 .

This paper offers a perspective on A.R. Bergstrom’s contribution to continuous-time modeling, focusing on his preferred method of estimating the parameters of a structural continuous-time model using an exact discrete-time analog. Some inherent difficulties in this approach are discussed, which help to explain why, in spite of his prescience, the methods around his time were not universally adopted as he had hoped. Even so, it is argued that Bergstrom’s contribution and legacy is secure and retains some relevance today for the analysis of macroeconomic and financial time series.

Econometric model

HB139.T52 ECO