Dimensions of Africa economic crisis
Davies, R
Dimensions of Africa economic crisis by R Davies and NP Moyo - Volume 2, number 1 .
In summary, the causes of the economic crisis in Africa reflect a difficult combination of internal weakness, unfavorable external economic conditions, and noneconomic factors, such as adverse weather. The crisis calls for a coordinated approach, focused broadly on development rather than on economic stabilization.
Economic crisis--Africa
HB171.5 ZIM
Dimensions of Africa economic crisis by R Davies and NP Moyo - Volume 2, number 1 .
In summary, the causes of the economic crisis in Africa reflect a difficult combination of internal weakness, unfavorable external economic conditions, and noneconomic factors, such as adverse weather. The crisis calls for a coordinated approach, focused broadly on development rather than on economic stabilization.
Economic crisis--Africa
HB171.5 ZIM