Midlands State University Library

Evidence-based practice for nurses and allied health professionals /

Linsley, Paul,

Evidence-based practice for nurses and allied health professionals / created by Paul Linsley and Ros Kane. - 5th Edition - xiii, 250 pagesL 23 cm

Includes index

Part I: Introducing Evidence-based PracticeChapter 1: Introduction: What is Evidence-based Practice?Chapter 2: The Nature of Knowledge, Evidence and Ethical ApprovalChapter 3: Clinical Judgement and Decision MakingChapter 4: Finding the EvidenceConclusion to Part IPart II: Critiquing the EvidenceChapter 5: What is Critical Appraisal?Chapter 6: Critical Appraisal and Quantitative ResearchChapter 7: Critical Appraisal and Qualitative ResearchChapter 8: Systematic Reviews and Evidence-basedConclusion to Part IIPart III: Making Changes Chapter 9: Evaluation, Audit and ResearchChapter 10: Evidence into Practice: Practice Development, Improvement and InnovationChapter 11: Clinical Academic CareersConclusion to Part III

"This long-standing textbook provides a clear overview of evidence-based practice. It explores the basic prinicples of knowledge, evidence and decision making and guides students through the process of crtitquing and using evidence in their day-to-day practice. The 5th edition has been updated to reflect contemporary approaches, drawing from lessons learned during the Covid-19 pandemic and includes a new chapter explaining the difference between evaluation, audit and research. Additional features: case studies, activities and end of chapter crossword puzzles help students consolidate their understanding provides a collection of practical appraisal tools and templates to use when reviewing differnet sources of research extensive glossary providing clear definitions of key terminology"--


Evidence-Based Nursing

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