Midlands State University Library

The Z-transform method for multidimensional dynamic economic systems

CUI, Xiaoyong

The Z-transform method for multidimensional dynamic economic systems - Applied Economics Letters Volume , number , .

This article uses the Z-transform to develop a method for solving the linearised multidimensional discrete-time systems, which can be used to discuss the effects of policies on economy (including the welfare gains and initial effects on economy) raised by multi-sector perfect-foresight-discrete-time models. Our method is not restricted to the dimension of the dynamic system, and it can not only analyse the effect of permanent policy change on the economy but also can be used to analyse the effect of temporal policy change on the economy. As an application example, we analyse the effects of fiscal policy on the initial economy and social welfare in the discrete-time Uzawa–Lucas model.

Z - transform
steady - state comparisons
discrete - time systems