Delivery terms in international trade: some evidence for Spain
Rosal Ignacio del
Delivery terms in international trade: some evidence for Spain created by Ignacio del Rosal - Applied economics letters Volume 20, number 5 .
Although there is abundant literature on the analysis of transportation costs in international trade, there are practically no studies concerning delivery terms defined in the International Commercial Terms (Incoterms). This article aims to take a first step using the information on Incoterms usage provided by the Spanish Foreign Trade Statistics.
Delivery terms--International trade costs--Spain--Incoterms
HB1.A666 APP
Delivery terms in international trade: some evidence for Spain created by Ignacio del Rosal - Applied economics letters Volume 20, number 5 .
Although there is abundant literature on the analysis of transportation costs in international trade, there are practically no studies concerning delivery terms defined in the International Commercial Terms (Incoterms). This article aims to take a first step using the information on Incoterms usage provided by the Spanish Foreign Trade Statistics.
Delivery terms--International trade costs--Spain--Incoterms
HB1.A666 APP