Midlands State University Library

Manufacturing processes for engineering materials /

Kalpakjian, Serope, 1928-

Manufacturing processes for engineering materials / created by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. - 5th edition In SI Units - xxi, 1018 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

1 Introduction 1 2 Fundamentals of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials 27 3 Structure and Manufacturing Properties of Metals 85 4 Surfaces, Tribology, Dimensional Characteristics, Inspection, and Product Quality Assurance 135 5 Metal-Casting Processes and Equipment; Heat Treatment 191 6 Bulk Deformation Processes 267 7 Sheet-Metal Forming Processes 351 8 Material-Removal Processes: Cutting 425 9 Material-Removal Processes: Abrasive, Chemical, Electrical, and High-Energy Beams 537 10 Properties and Processing of Polymers and Reinforced Plastics; Rapid Prototyping and Rapid Tooling 599 11 Properties and Processing of Metal Powders, Ceramics, Glasses, Composites, and Superconductors 687 12 Joining and Fastening Processes 753 13 Fabrication of Microelectronic, Micromechanical, and Microelectromechanical Devices; Nanomanufacturing 829 14 Automation of Manufacturing Processes and Operations 899 15 Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Systems 945 16 Product Design and Manufacturing in a Global Competitive Environment 985

"This new edition of Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials continues its tradition of balanced and comprehensive coverage of relevant engineering fundamentals, mathematical analysis, and traditional as well as advanced applications of manufacturing processes and operations. Updated and thoroughly edited for improved readability and clarity, this book is written mainly for students in mechanical, industrial, and metallurgical and materials engineering programs. The text continually emphasizes the important interactions among a wide variety of technical disciplines and the economics of manufacturing operations in an increasingly competitive global marketplace."--BOOK JACKET

9810679538 9789810679538

Manufacturing processes.