Midlands State University Library

Intellectual property law : text, cases, and materials /

Aplin, Tanya Frances, 1972-

Intellectual property law : text, cases, and materials / created by Tanya Aplin and Jennifer Davis. - Third edition. - l, 932 pages ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

An introduction to intellectual property -- Copyright I : history, justifications, sources of law, and subsistence -- Copyright II : authorship, ownership, exploitation, term, moral rights, and economic rights -- Copyright III : infringement, exceptions, and database right -- Passing off -- Trade marks I : justifications, registration, and absolute grounds for refusal of registration -- Trade marks II : the relative grounds for refusal of registration, infringement, and remedies -- Trade marks III : defences, the loss of a trade mark, and exhaustion of rights -- Breach of confidence -- Privacy, personality, publicity -- Patents I : justifications, registration, patentable subject matter, and industrial application -- Patents II : novelty, inventive step, sufficiency, and support -- Patents III : infringement, exceptions and entitlement -- Industrial designs.

This text provides a full and clear exposition of the fundamentals of intellectual property law in the UK. It combines excerpts from cases and a broad range of secondary works with insightful commentary from the authors which will situate the law within a wider international, comparative and political context

9780198743545 (pbk)

Intellectual property--Great Britain.
Copyright--Great Britain.

KD1269 APL