Does competition affect evolutionary dynamics? Evidence from a collegiate university
Kim, Jin - Hyuk
Does competition affect evolutionary dynamics? Evidence from a collegiate university created by Jin-Hyuk Kim - Applied economics letters Volume 20, number 9 .
This article shows that competition is inversely related to the strength of evolutionary dynamics using a collegiate university's admission statistics during the period 2004–2009. Specifically, estimated coefficients of the replicator dynamic equation is inversely related to the subject's applications-to-offers ratio. This suggests that competition favours a choice of strategies that is serially independent of the previous round's pay-offs.
Evolutionary dynamics--Competitive pressures--Serial independence
HB1.A666 APP
Does competition affect evolutionary dynamics? Evidence from a collegiate university created by Jin-Hyuk Kim - Applied economics letters Volume 20, number 9 .
This article shows that competition is inversely related to the strength of evolutionary dynamics using a collegiate university's admission statistics during the period 2004–2009. Specifically, estimated coefficients of the replicator dynamic equation is inversely related to the subject's applications-to-offers ratio. This suggests that competition favours a choice of strategies that is serially independent of the previous round's pay-offs.
Evolutionary dynamics--Competitive pressures--Serial independence
HB1.A666 APP