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Evaluation of trace element concentration (acid leachable) in sediments from River Pánuco and its adjacent lagoon areas, NE México


Evaluation of trace element concentration (acid leachable) in sediments from River Pánuco and its adjacent lagoon areas, NE México - Environmental earth sciences Volume , number , .

A set of forty-one surface sediment samples were collected in River Pánuco and its adjoining lagoon areas in NE Mexico to identify the enrichment pattern of trace elements. The samples were analyzed for sediment texture, carbonates, organic carbon and acid leachable trace elements (ALTEs) using autoclave method [Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, Zn, Cd, V, Be, Ba, Sr, As]. Geochemical results of Fe, Cr, Ni, Co, V and Sr in zone 1 indicate that erosion in the upland region (Sierra Madre Oriental Mountains) is very high. The above feature is supported by the supremacy of finer sediments (82.12 %), carbonates (44.67 %) and organic carbon (10.74 %), which are brought down from the drainage basin. The overall average concentration of ALTEs Mn (607 μg g−1), Cu (28.29 μg g−1), Ni (16.56 μg g−1), Pb (46.11 μg g−1), Cd (1.81 μg g−1) and Zn (92.18 μg g−1) indicates higher values than the lowest effect level (LEL) and effects range low (ERL) of environmental indicators. The results suggest that they are due to the increase in oil refineries, metal based industries, shipping activities and the effluent input which could enter the biological cycle and might create human health problems.

surface sediments
acid leachable trace elements