Midlands State University Library

A practitioner's guide to probate disputes /

Pearce Nasreen

A practitioner's guide to probate disputes / created by Nasreen Pearce - xxxi, 260 pages; 23 cm.

Includes bibliography and index

Table of Cases Table of Statutes Table of Statutory Instruments Table of Conventions 1 Introduction 2 Form, Content and Interpretation of a Will 3 Execution of a Will 4 Testamentary Capacity5 Knowledge and Approval6 Undue Influence7 Forgery8 Burial9 Rectification10 Revocation of a Will11 Lifetime Agreements and Gifts12 Jointly Owned Assets and Assets Held on Constructive Trust13 Claims under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 197514 Procedure15 Statutory Wills Appendices Statutory material Precedents

An invaluable guide to the relevant legal framework and the basis on which a will and other testamentary provisions may be challenged. The book comprehensively covers issues relating to the problems which can arise from poor drafting and a failure to investigate sufficiently all the circumstances relating to the testator/testatrix.


Probate law and practice

KD1518 PEA