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Research handbook on EU private international law /

Research handbook on EU private international law / edited by Peter Stone and Youseph Farah. - xxix, 391 pages ; 24 cm - Research handbooks in European law series . - Research handbooks in European law series .

Includes index

Internet transactions and activities
A step in the right direction! Critical assessment of forum selection agreements under the revised Brussels I: a comparative analysis with US law
Fairy is back
have you got your wand ready?
Frustrated at the interface between court litigation and arbitration? Don't blame it on Brussels I! Finding reason in the decision of West Tankers and the recast Brussels I
Does size matter? A comparative study of jurisdictional rules applicable to domestic and Community intellectual property rights
Article 4 of the Rome I Regulation on the applicable law in the absence of choice
methodological analysis considerations
International sales of goods and the Rome I Regulation
The Rome I Regulation and the relevance of non-State law
The interaction between Rome I and mandatory EU private rules
EPIL and EPL: communicating vessels?
Choice of law for tort claims
Defamation and privacy and the Rome II Regulation
Corporate domicile and residence

The harmonisation of private international law in Europe has advanced rapidly since the entry into force of the Treaty of Amsterdam.


Conflict of law