Midlands State University Library

Company law and corporate finance /

Ferran, Eilís.

Company law and corporate finance / created by Eilís Ferran. - lxiii, 658 pages : 26 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

PART I. THE FRAMEWORK OF CORPORATE ACTIVITY; 1. The Company and the Corporate Group; 2. Corporate Finance Structure: Basic Legal, Accounting and Financing Considerations; 3. The Company as a Business Operator; PART II. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE; 4. Management of Companies; 5. Controlling Management: Duties of Honesty, Propriety and Loyalty; 6. Controlling Management: Duties of Care and Skill; Non Executive Directors; 7. Controlling Management: Corporate Democracy and the Role of Institutional Investors; PART III. SHARE CAPITAL; 8. Shares and Share Capital; 9. Rights Attaching to Shares; 10. Maintenance and Reduction of Capital; 11. Financial Assistance; 12. Distributions to Shareholders; 13. Share Buy Backs and Redeemable Shares; PART IV. LOAN CAPITAL; 14. Loan Capital - General Considerations; 15. Secured Debt; 16. Subordinated Debt; PART V. RAISING FINANCE FROM CAPITAL MARKETS; 17. Initial Public Offers of Securities; 18. Secondary Offers of Securities

Providing a clear account of the legal rules as they operate in modern conditions, the book goes on to include an examination of the purposes that rules are intended to achieve and how they fit with theories underpinning company law

0198763921 019876393X 9780198763932

Corporations--Finance--Law and legislation--Great Britain.
Corporations--Finance.--Great Britain

KD2094 FER