Midlands State University Library

Research on elastoplastic damage constitutive model of intact Q2l loess in northwestern of China

ZHONG, Zuliang

Research on elastoplastic damage constitutive model of intact Q2l loess in northwestern of China - Environmental earth sciences Volume , number , .

Based on the unsaturated triaxial experiments for the intact fourth period Middle Pleistocene Epoch loess (Q2l loess), the mechanical characteristic of Q2l loess is studied. According to the continuum damage mechanics and elastic–plastic theory, the damage potential function and loading function were deduced. Besides, plastic deformation and irreversible damage deformation are supposed to obey Hyushin’s postulate. The elastoplastic damage constitutive model and damage evolution law of the unsaturated intact Q2 loess are set up. Comparing the experiment curves with the computation result of this model, it is shown that the model can stimulate the mechanics characteristics of Q2 loess well.

constitutive model
continuum damage mechanics