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Assessment of heavy metals in sediments near Hazira industrial zone at Tapti River estuary, Surat, India

SHAH, Bhavna A.

Assessment of heavy metals in sediments near Hazira industrial zone at Tapti River estuary, Surat, India - Environmental earth sciences Volume , number , .

Heavy metal accumulation due to industrial activities has become a very sensitive issue for the survival of the aquatic life. Therefore, distributions of several heavy metals have been studied in the surface sediments of Tapti–Hazira estuary, Surat, to assess the impact of anthropogenic and industrial activities near estuary. Totally 60 sediment samples were collected from four different sites at Tapti–Hazira estuary, Surat from January 2011 to May 2011 and examined for metal contents. The average heavy metal load in the study area are found to be 43.28–77.74 mg/kg for Pb, 48.26–72.40 mg/kg for Cr, 117.47–178.80 mg/kg for Zn, 71.13–107.82 mg/kg for Ni, 123.17–170.52 mg/kg for Cu, 0.74–1.25 mg/kg for Cd, 14.73–21.69 mg/kg for Co. Calculated enrichment factors (EF) reveal that enrichment of Pb and Cd is moderate at all sites, whereas other metals Cr, Ni, Zn, Co, and Cu show significant to very high enrichment. Geo-accumulation index (I geo) results revealed that the study area is nil to moderately contaminated with respect to Cd, moderately to highly polluted with respect to Pb, Zn, and Cu and high to very highly polluted with respect to Co and Cr.

heavy metal
enrichment factor
geo accumulation index