Midlands State University Library

De Lahunta's veterinary neuroanatomy and clinical neurology /

de Lahunta, Alexander.

De Lahunta's veterinary neuroanatomy and clinical neurology / created by Alexander de Lahunta, Eric Glass and Marc Kent. - Fifth edition - xx, 599 pages ; Illustrations (colured), 28 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index

Introduction----Neuroanatomy gross description and atlas of transverse sections and magnetic resonance images---Development of the nervous system: malformations-Cerebrospinal fluid and hydrocephalus--Lower motor neuron: spinal nerve, general somatic efferent system--Lower motor neuron: general somatic efferent system, cranial nerve--Lower motor neuron: general visceral efferent system--Upper motor neuron--General sensory systems: general proprioception and general somatic afferent---Small animal spinal cord disease---Large animal spinal cord disease---Vestibular system: special proprioception---Cerebellum---Visual system----Auditory system: special somatic afferent system---Nonolfactory rhinencephalon: limbic system----Seizure disorders and narcolepsy-----Diencephalon----Uncontrolled involuntary skeletal muscle contractions---The neurologic examination---Case descriptions

De Lahunta's Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology, 5th Edition provides in-depth coverage of the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the nervous system, to accurately diagnose the location of neurologic lesions in small animals, horses, and food animals. Practical guidelines explain how to perform neurologic examinations, interpret examination results, and formulate treatment plans. Descriptions of neurologic disorders are accompanied by clinical case studies, photos and drawings, radiographs, and hundreds of online videos depicting the patients and disorders described in the text


Veterinary anatomy
Veterinary neurology