Midlands State University Library

Doing reflexivity : an introduction /

Dean, Jon.

Doing reflexivity : an introduction / created by Jon Dean. - 180 pages.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Introduction: a rationale for reflexivity; Pierre Bourdieu and the development of theory; Putting yourself in? Bourdieu's reflexive project; Standpoints, disciplines, spaces; Reflexivity in the field: four case studies; Desert Island discourses: doing a parallel analysis; The reflexive me; Conclusions; Coda: writing in the social sciences.

This book provides social science researchers with both a strong rationale for the importance of thinking reflexively and a practical guide to doing it. The first book to build on Pierre Bourdieu's reflexive work, it combines academic analysis with practical examples and case studies. The book will be of interest to researchers and students.


Social sciences.--Research
Qualitative research.