Midlands State University Library


Fenton Steve 1942-

Ethnicity created by Steve Fenton. - Second Edition. - xii, 233 pages ; 23 cm. - Key concepts .

Includes bibliographical references (pages [204]-220) and index.

Ethnos : descent and culture communities -- Multiple discourses of ethnicity : differences by country and region -- The demise of race : the emergence of 'ethnic' -- The primordialism debate -- How real are groups? : political ethnicity, symbolic ethnicity and competition theory -- Migration and ethnicity -- Social conditions of ethnicity : global economy and precarious states -- Ethnic majorities and nationalism in Europe : globalization and right-wing movements -- Ethnicity and the modern world : general conclusions.

This text discusses key debates in the sociology of ethnicity and race, arguing that ethnicity is culturally expressed and politically and economically contextualized. World-wide examples are used to give an international and comparative perspective.

Ethnic relations.
Race relations.

GN495.6 FEN