The teachers' standards in the classroom.
Blatchford Roy.
The teachers' standards in the classroom. created by Roy Blatchford. - Third Edition. - xvii, 107 pages; 26 cm.
Includes bibliography and index.
IntroductionSet high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupilsPromote good progress and outcomes by pupilsDemonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledgePlan and teach well structured lessonsAdapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupilsMake accurate and productive use of assessmentManage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environmentFulfil wider professional responsibilitiesPersonal and professional conductMaster TeacherOfsted's evaluation of the quality of teachingThe Chief Inspector's dos and don'tsExtending your practice to meet the Teachers' StandardsSuccessful schools, successful teachersAppendix: Teachers' Standards posters
This text is written to support teachers and trainee teachers to interpret the standards effectively and independently, as well as how to apply them to their teaching.
Teachers, rating of.
LB2838 BLA
The teachers' standards in the classroom. created by Roy Blatchford. - Third Edition. - xvii, 107 pages; 26 cm.
Includes bibliography and index.
IntroductionSet high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupilsPromote good progress and outcomes by pupilsDemonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledgePlan and teach well structured lessonsAdapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupilsMake accurate and productive use of assessmentManage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environmentFulfil wider professional responsibilitiesPersonal and professional conductMaster TeacherOfsted's evaluation of the quality of teachingThe Chief Inspector's dos and don'tsExtending your practice to meet the Teachers' StandardsSuccessful schools, successful teachersAppendix: Teachers' Standards posters
This text is written to support teachers and trainee teachers to interpret the standards effectively and independently, as well as how to apply them to their teaching.
Teachers, rating of.
LB2838 BLA