Treasure Island /
Stevenson Robert Louis.
Treasure Island / created by Robert Louis Stevenson; adapted by Bryony Lavery. - Educational edition. - 176 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm. - National Theatre playscripts .
Working in partnership with the National Theatre, these playscripts bring the theatre alive in the classroom. Each play has been carefully selected for maximum impact, the activities and teaching support are underpinned by trusted National Theatre strategies and approaches, and the performance images show how the play is brought to life on stage.
Voyages and travels--Drama
PR6062.A825 STE
Treasure Island / created by Robert Louis Stevenson; adapted by Bryony Lavery. - Educational edition. - 176 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm. - National Theatre playscripts .
Working in partnership with the National Theatre, these playscripts bring the theatre alive in the classroom. Each play has been carefully selected for maximum impact, the activities and teaching support are underpinned by trusted National Theatre strategies and approaches, and the performance images show how the play is brought to life on stage.
Voyages and travels--Drama
PR6062.A825 STE