Midlands State University Library

Research methods in accounting /

Smith, Malcolm.

Research methods in accounting / created by Malcolm Smith. - Fourth edition. - 278 pages ; Illustrations.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Preface; Chapter One: Introduction and Overview; Chapter Two: Developing the Research Idea; Chapter Three: Theory, Literature and Hypotheses; Chapter Four: Research Ethics in Accounting; Chapter Five: Data Collection; Chapter Six: Quantitative Data Analysis; Chapter Seven: Qualitative Data Analysis; Chapter Eight: Experimental Research; Chapter Nine: Survey Research; Chapter Ten: Qualitative Methods; Chapter Eleven: Archival Research; Chapter Twelve: Supervision and Examination Processes; Chapter Thirteen: Turning Research Into Publications; Appendix 1: Journal Rankings (AJG-2018); Appendix 2: Sample Paper; References;

Designed to help accounting students and researchers make the most appropriate choice of method and strategy in the development of their research projects. This fifth edition features extended coverage of : content analysis, online sources, mixed-methods research, and impression management. It includes new sections dedicated to : social media impact on research, Big Data Analytics, endogeneity issues in regression analysis, Benford's Law as a forensic tool, readability studies, whistleblowing research.

9781526401076 (pbk : alk. paper)


HF5630 SMI