Midlands State University Library

Modern Cable Television Technology: video, voice and data communications/

Modern Cable Television Technology: video, voice and data communications/ Walter Ciciora, James Farmer, David Large, Michael Adams - Second edition - xxxviii, 1053 pages : illustrations

Includes index

Part 1 Once Over Lightly 1. Introduction to Cable Television Part 2 The Signals 2. Analog Television 3. Digitally-Compressed Television 4. Digital Modulation 5. Cable Networking Protocols 6. Cable Telephony Part 3 Headends 7. Signal Reception 8. Headend Signal Processing 9. Headend Operation Part 4 Broadband Distribution Systems 10. Coaxial RF Technology 11. Coaxial Distribution Design 12. Linear Fiber-Optic Signal Transportation 13. Wavelength-Division Multiplexing 14. Linear Microwave Signal Transportation 15. End-to-End Performance 16. Upstream Issues Part 5 System Architecture 17. Service-Related Architecture Requirements 18. Architectural Elements and Examples 19. Digital Fiber Modulation and Deep Fiber Architectures 20. Network Reliability Part 6 Customer Interface Issues 21. Analog Video Reception 22. Digital Video Reception 23. Consumer Electronics Interface 24. Equipment Compatibility 25. Home Networks Appendix A. Channel Allocation B. Video Waveforms C. Digital Video Components

Addresses the significant changes undergone by cable since 1999 - including, most notably, its transformation from a system for delivery of television to a scalable-bandwidth platform for a broad range of communication services. This book provides coverage of high speed data transmission, home networking, and IP-based voice.


Cable television.

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