Tournament incentives in the field: gender differences in the workplace/
Delfgaauw, Josse
Tournament incentives in the field: gender differences in the workplace/ created by Josse Delfgaauw - Journal of labor economics Volume 31 , number 2, part 1. .
We ran a field experiment in a Dutch retail chain consisting of 128 stores. In a random sample of these stores, we introduced short-term sales competitions among subsets of stores. We find that sales competitions have a large effect on sales growth, but only in stores where the store’s manager and a sufficiently large fraction of the employees have the same gender. Remarkably, results are alike for sales competitions with and without monetary rewards, suggesting a high symbolic value of winning a tournament.
Field experiment--Competition--Gender differences
HD5706 JOU
Tournament incentives in the field: gender differences in the workplace/ created by Josse Delfgaauw - Journal of labor economics Volume 31 , number 2, part 1. .
We ran a field experiment in a Dutch retail chain consisting of 128 stores. In a random sample of these stores, we introduced short-term sales competitions among subsets of stores. We find that sales competitions have a large effect on sales growth, but only in stores where the store’s manager and a sufficiently large fraction of the employees have the same gender. Remarkably, results are alike for sales competitions with and without monetary rewards, suggesting a high symbolic value of winning a tournament.
Field experiment--Competition--Gender differences
HD5706 JOU