Midlands State University Library

What is at stake in building "non-western" international relations theory?

Eun, Yong-Soo

What is at stake in building "non-western" international relations theory? created by Yong-Soo Eun - 112 pages 22 cm. - IR theory and practice in Asia . - IR theory and practice in Asia .

Includes bibliographic references and index

Acknowledgements and Preface Tables Chapter 1. Opening up the Debate Over "Non-Western" International Relations (IR)Chapter 2. The Extent of Diversity in IR: Multiple Dimensions Chapter 3. Why is IR so Western/Positivist-Centric? Chapter 4. Broadening IR through Dialogue: Bridging the Positivist-Post-Positivist Divide Chapter 5. Broadening IR through Dialogue: Interweaving Western IR Theory with the Indigenous Experience of Asia Chapter 6. Conclusion: Reflexive Solidarity Bibliography Index


International relations-- Philosophy.

JZ1305 EUN