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The integrated effects of market‐oriented culture and marketing strategy on firm performance

Lee, Sungho.

The integrated effects of market‐oriented culture and marketing strategy on firm performance created by Sungho Lee, Sung‐Joon Yoon, Sanguk Kim and Jong‐Whan Kang. - Journal of Strategic Marketing Volume 14, number 3, .

Existing studies concerning the effects of marketing on firm performance have been conducted primarily in the areas of market‐orientation and marketing strategy studies. Recently, efforts have been made in investigating the integrated effects of these two factors on firm performance. As part of these efforts, this study employed market‐oriented culture and the marketing strategy‐making process of a firm as constituents of its marketing competence, and, based on reviews of related literature, developed the relationship between market‐oriented culture and the marketing strategy‐making process, and finally verified the suggested relationship by surveying managerial personnel from a range of firms. It was found that market‐oriented culture does not only affect firm performance directly, but does so indirectly by affecting the marketing strategy making process.

Market‐oriented culture
Marketing strategy
Firm performance