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Service worker customer orientation, organisation/job fit and perceived organisational support

Farrell, Mark Anthony.

Service worker customer orientation, organisation/job fit and perceived organisational support created by Mark Anthony Farrell and Edward Oczkowski. - Journal of Strategic Marketing Volume 17, number 2. .

The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between service worker customer orientation and several job response variables, including job satisfaction, organisational commitment and organisational citizenship behaviour-courtesy. We also examine the relationship between perceived organisational support and organisation fit within the service worker context. Using a questionnaire, data were collected from 170 employees of a major fast food restaurant. Data were analysed using structural equation modelling. For managers, this study suggests that hiring customer-oriented employees is only the beginning. There needs to be thought given to ensuring the employee is able to fit with the job and the values of the organisation, and that the organisation offers support to its employees.

Service worker
Customer orientation