Small-scale mushroom cultivation - 2 : Agaricus and Volvariella /
Nieuwenhuijzen, Bram van
Small-scale mushroom cultivation - 2 : Agaricus and Volvariella / created by Bram van Nieuwenhuijzen - 85 pages. illustrations - Agrodok No. 41 . - Agrodok .
1. Introduction 2. Biology of mushrooms 3. Mushroom farms 4. Spawn production 5. Composting 6. Cultivation of button mushrooms (Agaricus spp.) 7. Cultivation of rice straw mushrooms (Volvariella spp.) 8. Harvesting and post harvest handling 9. Marketing
978908573085730835 9789290813651
Edible mushrooms
Mushroom culture
Small-scale mushroom cultivation - 2 : Agaricus and Volvariella / created by Bram van Nieuwenhuijzen - 85 pages. illustrations - Agrodok No. 41 . - Agrodok .
1. Introduction 2. Biology of mushrooms 3. Mushroom farms 4. Spawn production 5. Composting 6. Cultivation of button mushrooms (Agaricus spp.) 7. Cultivation of rice straw mushrooms (Volvariella spp.) 8. Harvesting and post harvest handling 9. Marketing
978908573085730835 9789290813651
Edible mushrooms
Mushroom culture