Midlands State University Library

How to manage consumer tribes.

Canniford, Robin.

How to manage consumer tribes. created by Robin Canniford. - Journal of Strategic Marketing Volume 19, number 7, .

This paper reviews concepts of marketplace community, and considers the strategic opportunities and challenges communities present to marketers. Current attempts to operationalise consumer tribes by marketing consultants appear to conflate consumer tribes with brand communities. Alternative guidelines to foster specifically tribal approaches are considered. In particular, managers are advised to facilitate tribal consumers' roles beyond purchase, by offering points of passage and hybrid community platforms within ‘seed networks’. These are fluid and interdependent networks of people, places, brands, objects, discourses, myths and feelings where consumers assemble playful, passionate, and entrepreneurial community around the linking value of multiple products and services. This approach is applied to the board-sport tribes that are facilitated by the action sports brand Volcom. Future research directions are considered.


Consumer tribes
Brand community