Chemistry post-graduate student training from an ODL perspective/
Chemistry post-graduate student training from an ODL perspective/ Created by Mpahlele.J.H - Africa education review Volume 12 , number 3, .
The University of South Africa's (UNISA) College of Science, Engineering and Technology (CSET) stands unique in the world by offering laboratory-based disciplines through Open Distance Learning (ODL) at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Lack of postgraduate programmes in chemistry at the very few ODL institutions offering undergraduate chemistry courses is presumably the consequence of the high costs associated with chemistry research and the requirement for sustained access to laboratories, analytical facilities and instructors by the students. The practice of offering postgraduate programmes in laboratory-based disciplines within the ODL context is discussed in detail by considering the practices of the chemistry department at UNISA. The department has a history and culture of research and postgraduate student training dating back to the correspondence era. The pitfalls and misconceptions are highlighted and working models for research-based postgraduate student training within the ODL framework are projected. The pitfalls and misconceptions are highlighted in the manuscript and working models for laboratory-based postgraduate student training within the ODL framework are proposed.
Careers in chemistry
Laboratory-based research
Chemistry post-graduate student training from an ODL perspective/ Created by Mpahlele.J.H - Africa education review Volume 12 , number 3, .
The University of South Africa's (UNISA) College of Science, Engineering and Technology (CSET) stands unique in the world by offering laboratory-based disciplines through Open Distance Learning (ODL) at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Lack of postgraduate programmes in chemistry at the very few ODL institutions offering undergraduate chemistry courses is presumably the consequence of the high costs associated with chemistry research and the requirement for sustained access to laboratories, analytical facilities and instructors by the students. The practice of offering postgraduate programmes in laboratory-based disciplines within the ODL context is discussed in detail by considering the practices of the chemistry department at UNISA. The department has a history and culture of research and postgraduate student training dating back to the correspondence era. The pitfalls and misconceptions are highlighted and working models for research-based postgraduate student training within the ODL framework are projected. The pitfalls and misconceptions are highlighted in the manuscript and working models for laboratory-based postgraduate student training within the ODL framework are proposed.
Careers in chemistry
Laboratory-based research