Transforming teaching challenges into learning opportunities: inter-disciplinary reflective collaboration /
Callaghan, Ronel
Transforming teaching challenges into learning opportunities: inter-disciplinary reflective collaboration / created by Ronel Callaghan - Africa Education Review Volume 12 , number 4 , .
Teaching in higher education poses unique sets of challenges, especially for academics in the engineering, built sciences and information science education disciplines. This article focuses on how reflective collaboration can support academics in their quest to find unique solutions to challenges in different academic contexts. A reflective collaboration framework was applied during a three-year interpretive research process at an Engineering, Information Technology and Built Environment Faculty in a residential research intensive university in South Africa. Interdisciplinary reflective collaboration was found to bring richness and depth into investigations of complex teaching challenges. This framework provides a structure to support the transformation of teaching challenges into learning opportunities through the promotion of dialogue, critique and reflection between engineering and education academics.
Academic staff development
Support framework
Interpretive hermeneutics
Transforming teaching challenges into learning opportunities: inter-disciplinary reflective collaboration / created by Ronel Callaghan - Africa Education Review Volume 12 , number 4 , .
Teaching in higher education poses unique sets of challenges, especially for academics in the engineering, built sciences and information science education disciplines. This article focuses on how reflective collaboration can support academics in their quest to find unique solutions to challenges in different academic contexts. A reflective collaboration framework was applied during a three-year interpretive research process at an Engineering, Information Technology and Built Environment Faculty in a residential research intensive university in South Africa. Interdisciplinary reflective collaboration was found to bring richness and depth into investigations of complex teaching challenges. This framework provides a structure to support the transformation of teaching challenges into learning opportunities through the promotion of dialogue, critique and reflection between engineering and education academics.
Academic staff development
Support framework
Interpretive hermeneutics