Information and control in the living organism an elementary introduction
Hassenstein, Bernhard
Information and control in the living organism an elementary introduction created by Bernhard Hassenstein - Eighth - 159 pages
Includes bibliographical references and index
Chapter 1 Observations on signal transmission and information processing in the human body, 2 - Two experiments on signal processing in the organism demending more preparation, 3 - Feedback control, 4 - Information, its transmission and storage, 5 - Data procesing, 6 - General discussion of cybernetics
Information theory inn biology
Information and control in the living organism an elementary introduction created by Bernhard Hassenstein - Eighth - 159 pages
Includes bibliographical references and index
Chapter 1 Observations on signal transmission and information processing in the human body, 2 - Two experiments on signal processing in the organism demending more preparation, 3 - Feedback control, 4 - Information, its transmission and storage, 5 - Data procesing, 6 - General discussion of cybernetics
Information theory inn biology