Who cares? : looking after young people in the care system ; a training manual for those who work with children and young people who are "looked after"
Goodall, Pat
Who cares? : looking after young people in the care system ; a training manual for those who work with children and young people who are "looked after" created by Pat Goodall, Tory Laughland, Simon Biggs and Fergus Smith - 205 pages
9780582214963 0582214963
Children Act 1989 (Great Britain)
Who cares? : looking after young people in the care system ; a training manual for those who work with children and young people who are "looked after" created by Pat Goodall, Tory Laughland, Simon Biggs and Fergus Smith - 205 pages
9780582214963 0582214963
Children Act 1989 (Great Britain)