Excavating the teacher pipeline: teacher preparation programs and teacher attrition
Goldhaber, Dan
Excavating the teacher pipeline: teacher preparation programs and teacher attrition created by Dan Goldhaber and James Cowan - Journal of Teacher Education Volume 65, number 5, .
We analyze the placement and attrition patterns of teachers by preparation programs and document large differences in the rate at which teachers exit both their schools and the profession. These differences are robust to within-school comparisons. Moreover, assumptions about turnover and the persistence of program effects prove important for predicting the likely changes in student achievement that would result from varying the proportion of graduates from the most and least effective programs within a state.
Educational policy
Recruitment and retention
Excavating the teacher pipeline: teacher preparation programs and teacher attrition created by Dan Goldhaber and James Cowan - Journal of Teacher Education Volume 65, number 5, .
We analyze the placement and attrition patterns of teachers by preparation programs and document large differences in the rate at which teachers exit both their schools and the profession. These differences are robust to within-school comparisons. Moreover, assumptions about turnover and the persistence of program effects prove important for predicting the likely changes in student achievement that would result from varying the proportion of graduates from the most and least effective programs within a state.
Educational policy
Recruitment and retention