Writing your own scripts and speeches for corporate television, audio-visual and live presentations
St.Maur, Suzan
Writing your own scripts and speeches for corporate television, audio-visual and live presentations created by Suzan St.Maur - London McGraw-Hill Book Company 1991 - 256 pages
Includes index
The scripting of live presentations and speeches creates considerable anxiety among the majority of managers and senior executives who know little of speechwriting techniques. Yet these people must write and deliver frequent presentations as effectively as possible to their staff, executive board and shareholders. This comprehensive book covers a wide range of topics including a training programme, interviews, writing for spoken speech and excerpts from real life scripts. By incorporating both the theory and practical elements of scriptwriting, Suzan St Maur shows the non-specialist how to write good, creative scripts and how to communicate them cost-effectively and successfully. A feature of the book is the coverage of scripts for AV. Suzan St Maur emphasises that of all the processes needed in the creation of good audio visual communications, the script is universally seen as the most crucial, in fact in video and AV it is the foundation on which an entire production is built.
0077073495 9780077073497
Video authorship
Business presentation
Industrial television--Authorship
Writing your own scripts and speeches for corporate television, audio-visual and live presentations created by Suzan St.Maur - London McGraw-Hill Book Company 1991 - 256 pages
Includes index
The scripting of live presentations and speeches creates considerable anxiety among the majority of managers and senior executives who know little of speechwriting techniques. Yet these people must write and deliver frequent presentations as effectively as possible to their staff, executive board and shareholders. This comprehensive book covers a wide range of topics including a training programme, interviews, writing for spoken speech and excerpts from real life scripts. By incorporating both the theory and practical elements of scriptwriting, Suzan St Maur shows the non-specialist how to write good, creative scripts and how to communicate them cost-effectively and successfully. A feature of the book is the coverage of scripts for AV. Suzan St Maur emphasises that of all the processes needed in the creation of good audio visual communications, the script is universally seen as the most crucial, in fact in video and AV it is the foundation on which an entire production is built.
0077073495 9780077073497
Video authorship
Business presentation
Industrial television--Authorship