Midlands State University Library

Essential orthopaedics /

Miller, Mark D.

Essential orthopaedics / Mark D. Miller, Jennifer A. Hart and John M. MacKnight - 2nd Edition. - xix, 939 pages Col.ill. 28 cm.

Includes references and an index

Section 1. General Principles --
Section 2. The Shoulder --
Section 3. The Elbow --
Section 4. The Wrist and Hand --
Section 5. The Spine --
Section 6. The Pelvis/Hip --
Section 7. The Knee and Lower Leg --
Section 8. The Ankle and Foot --
Section 9. Pediatric Orthopaedics.

Noted authority Mark D. Miller, MD, together with a stellar editorial team and numerous contributors representing a breadth of specialty areas within orthopaedics and primary care, offers you the comprehensive, multidisciplinary insight you need to confidently diagnose and treat sprains, fractures, arthritis and bursitis pain, and other musculoskeletal problems, or refer them when appropriate. Videos on DVD demonstrate how to perform 29 joint injections, 7 common physical examinations, a variety of tests, and 6 splinting and casting procedures. Presents multidisciplinary coverage that provides authoritative orthopaedic guidance oriented towards the practical realities of primary care practice.

9780323568944 (pbk)

