Midlands State University Library

Scully's medical problems in dentistry

Scully, Crispian

Scully's medical problems in dentistry created by Crispian Scully - Seventh - Edinburgh Churchill Livingstone, 2014. - 823 pages coloured illustrations

Includes bibliographical references and index

Medical emergencies -- Medical history, examination, investigations and risk assessment -- Perioperative care --Signs and symptoms -- Cardiovascular medicine -- Endocrinology -- Gastrointestinal and pancreatic disorders -- Haematology -- Hepatology --
Mental health -- Mucosal, oral and cutaneous disorders -- Nephrology -- Neurology -- Otorhinolaryngology/Maxillofacial disorders --
Respiratory medicine -- Rheumatology and orthopaedics -- Allergies -- Autoimmune disease -- Immunity, inflammatory disorders, immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory agents -- Immunodeficiencies -- Infections and infestations -- Metabolic disorders --
Trauma, burns and abuse -- Age and gender issues -- Alternative and complementary medicine -- Dietary factors and health and disease -- Impairment and Disability -- Materials and drugs -- Minority groups -- Occupational hazards -- Reproductive (sexual) health -- Sports, travel, leisure and pets -- Substance dependence -- Transplantation and tissue regeneration -- Health promotion --
Eponymous and acronymous diseases and signs.

This text offers an authoritative account of general medical and surgical conditions as they apply to the practice of dentistry and oral healthcare. Now established as the standard reference on the subject, Medical Problems in Dentistry is essential for students learning for the first time or practitioners needing to keep up-to-date with their knowledge.


Oral manifestations of general diseases
Sick--Dental care