Pulmonary pathology
Pulmonary pathology
edited by Dani S Zander and Carol F Farver
- Second
- Philadelphia Elsevier 2018
- 759 pages illustrations 29 cm
- Foundations in diagnostic pathology .
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Normal anatomy, tissue artifacts, and incidental structures / Douglas B. Flieder -- The uses and abuses of the lung biopsy / Anthony A. Gal and Carol E. Farver -- A pattern-based approach to diagnosis / Diana N. Ionescu, Maxwell L. Smith and Kevin O. Leslie -- Congential, developmental, and inherited disorders / Megan K. Dishop -- Acquired and idiopathic disorders in neonates and young children / Gail Deutsch -- Lung neoplasms in infants and children / Frances V. White -- Vascular diseases / Carlyne D. Cool -- Vascultiudes and other causes of pulmonary hemorrage / Andre L Moreira and William D. Travis -- Acute lung injury / Mary Beth Beasley -- Bacterial diseases / Carol F. Farver -- Mycobacterial diseases / Carol F. Farver and Jaishree Jagirdar -- Fungal diseases / Abida K. Haque -- Viral diseases / Sherif R. Zaki and M. Kelly Keating -- Human parasitic pulmonary infections / Gary W. Procop and Ronald C. Neafie -- Chlamydial, mycoplasmal, rickettsial, and ehrlichial diseases / David H. Walker -- Idiopathic interstital pneumonias / Robert Homer -- Other interstital lung diseases / Roberto J. Barrios, Negar Rassaei, and Dani S. Zander -- Environmental- and toxin-induced lung diseases / Allen R. Gibbs and Richard L. Attanoos -- Drug reactions and other iatrogenic pulmonary diseases / Dani S. Zander and Negar Rasseei -- Emphysema and diseases of large airways / Leslie A. Litzky and Linda K. Green -- Diseases of small airways / Roberto J. Barrios -- Lymphoid lesions of the lung / Donald G. Guinee, Jr. -- Uncommon histiocytic and dendritic cell proliferations / Dani S. Zander and Haresh Mani -- Transplantation-related lung pathology / Marina Ivanovic and Aliya N. Husain -- Other nonneoplastic focal lesions, inclusions, and depositions / Carol F. Farver -- Usual lung cancers / Lucian R. Chirieac and Richard L. Attanoos -- Neuroendocrine neoplasms / Sylvie Lantuejoul and Elisabeth Brambilla -- Unusual primary malignant lung neoplasms / Bruno Murer, Ulrike Gruber-Mösenbacher, and Helmut H. Popper -- Pulmonary involvement by extrapulmonary neoplasms / Marie Christine Aubry -- Precursors of malignancy / Keith M. Kerr and William K. Funkhouser -- Benign neoplasms of the lung / Douglas B. Flieder -- Primary pleural neoplasms / Alyssa Kraynie and Thomas A. Sporn -- Pleural involvement by extrapleural neoplasms / Kelly J. Butnor -- Inflammatory and fibrosing pleural processes / Joanne L. Wright -- Pulmonary manifestations of systemic diseases / Haresh Mani and Dani S. Zander -- Respiratory cytology / Jennifer Brainard
Lung diseases--Pathology
Pleural diseases--Diagnosis
Pleural diseases--Pathology
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Normal anatomy, tissue artifacts, and incidental structures / Douglas B. Flieder -- The uses and abuses of the lung biopsy / Anthony A. Gal and Carol E. Farver -- A pattern-based approach to diagnosis / Diana N. Ionescu, Maxwell L. Smith and Kevin O. Leslie -- Congential, developmental, and inherited disorders / Megan K. Dishop -- Acquired and idiopathic disorders in neonates and young children / Gail Deutsch -- Lung neoplasms in infants and children / Frances V. White -- Vascular diseases / Carlyne D. Cool -- Vascultiudes and other causes of pulmonary hemorrage / Andre L Moreira and William D. Travis -- Acute lung injury / Mary Beth Beasley -- Bacterial diseases / Carol F. Farver -- Mycobacterial diseases / Carol F. Farver and Jaishree Jagirdar -- Fungal diseases / Abida K. Haque -- Viral diseases / Sherif R. Zaki and M. Kelly Keating -- Human parasitic pulmonary infections / Gary W. Procop and Ronald C. Neafie -- Chlamydial, mycoplasmal, rickettsial, and ehrlichial diseases / David H. Walker -- Idiopathic interstital pneumonias / Robert Homer -- Other interstital lung diseases / Roberto J. Barrios, Negar Rassaei, and Dani S. Zander -- Environmental- and toxin-induced lung diseases / Allen R. Gibbs and Richard L. Attanoos -- Drug reactions and other iatrogenic pulmonary diseases / Dani S. Zander and Negar Rasseei -- Emphysema and diseases of large airways / Leslie A. Litzky and Linda K. Green -- Diseases of small airways / Roberto J. Barrios -- Lymphoid lesions of the lung / Donald G. Guinee, Jr. -- Uncommon histiocytic and dendritic cell proliferations / Dani S. Zander and Haresh Mani -- Transplantation-related lung pathology / Marina Ivanovic and Aliya N. Husain -- Other nonneoplastic focal lesions, inclusions, and depositions / Carol F. Farver -- Usual lung cancers / Lucian R. Chirieac and Richard L. Attanoos -- Neuroendocrine neoplasms / Sylvie Lantuejoul and Elisabeth Brambilla -- Unusual primary malignant lung neoplasms / Bruno Murer, Ulrike Gruber-Mösenbacher, and Helmut H. Popper -- Pulmonary involvement by extrapulmonary neoplasms / Marie Christine Aubry -- Precursors of malignancy / Keith M. Kerr and William K. Funkhouser -- Benign neoplasms of the lung / Douglas B. Flieder -- Primary pleural neoplasms / Alyssa Kraynie and Thomas A. Sporn -- Pleural involvement by extrapleural neoplasms / Kelly J. Butnor -- Inflammatory and fibrosing pleural processes / Joanne L. Wright -- Pulmonary manifestations of systemic diseases / Haresh Mani and Dani S. Zander -- Respiratory cytology / Jennifer Brainard
Lung diseases--Pathology
Pleural diseases--Diagnosis
Pleural diseases--Pathology