Midlands State University Library

VHDL by example fundamentals of digital design

Haskell Richard E.

VHDL by example fundamentals of digital design Richard E. Haskell and Darrin M. Hanna - Auburn Hills LLB Books, LLC 2016 - 337 pages ill. 28 cm.

Includes an index

This book assumes no previous knowledge of digital design. You start at the beginning learning about basic gates, logic equations, Boolean algebra, and Karnaugh maps. Over 65 examples show how to design digital circuits using VHDL and simulate them using the Aldec Active-HDL simulator. A free student edition of the Aldec Active-HDL simulator is available from Aldec, Inc. (www.aldec.com). A new pedagogical method called “flipping” has been shown to be very effective in enhancing the classroom experience. Instead of coming to class unprepared and listening to an hour lecture and then going home to do homework, the order is “flipped” and you first watch short video clips online about a particular topic, and then the class time can be used to do “homework” problems, discussion, and answering questions. Over 110 short video clips that cover all of the material in this book are available free on YouTube. To find these, go to www.youtube.com/user/LBEbooks/playlists and click on Digital Design VHDL.


VHDL (Computer hardware description language)
