Midlands State University Library

Joint attention : new developments in psychology, philosophy of mind, and social neuroscience

Joint attention : new developments in psychology, philosophy of mind, and social neuroscience edited by Axel Seemann - Cambridge : MIT Press, c2011 - 493 pages. ill. 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index

What is joint attention? : comparative, developmental, and definitional issues / Axel seemann -- Getting beyond rich and lean views of joint attention / Timothy P. Racine -- Joint attention : twelve myths / David A. Leavens -- The generation of human meaning : how shared experience grows in infancy / Colwyn Trevarthen -- Joint attention or joint engagement? : insights from autism / Peter and Jessica Hobson -- A gaze at grips with me / Vasudevi Reddy -- Joint attention, communication, and knowing together in infancy / Malinda Carpenter and Kristin Liebal -- Joint attention : towards a relational account / Axel Seemann -- How does joint attention work? : mechanisms and processes -- Sociality, attention and the mind's eyes / Stephen Shepherd and Massimiliano Cappuccio -- Some preliminary observations on the neural correlates of joint attention in chimpanzees / William D. Hopkins and Jared Taglialatela -- Social cognition and the allure of the second person perspective : in defense of empathy and simulation / Karsten R. Stueber -- Interactive coordination in joint attention / Shaun Gallagher -- Elementary mind minding, enactivist-style / Daniel D. Hutto -- The phenomenology of joint action : self-agency vs. joint-agency / Elisabeth Pacherie -- What does joint attention explain? : spatial awareness and other minds -- Joint attention as the fundamental basis of understanding perspectives / Henrike Moll and Andrew Meltzoff -- An object-dependent perspective on joint attention / John Campbell -- Grasping affordance : a window onto social cognition / Marcello Costantini and Corrado Sinigaglia


Joint attention