Midlands State University Library

Teaching computing

Simmons, Carl

Teaching computing Carl Simmons and Claire Hawkins - Second - London Sage 2015 - 299 pages illustrations 24 cm - Developing as a reflective secondary teacher series .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

1. So You Want to Teach Computing? --
2. The Computing Education Landscape --
3. Planning to Teach a Computing Lesson --
4. Planning a sequence of Lessons --
5. Managing a Computing Lesson --
6. Assessment in Computing --
7. Learning for All --
8. Teaching Different Age Ranges --
9. Teaching Outside the Classroom --
10. What Next?

Reflective practice is at the heart of effective teaching, and this title helps you develop into a reflective teacher information and communication technology (ICT).

9781446282519 9781446282526 (pbk.)

Information technology--Study and teaching (Secondary)

T58.6 SIM