Midlands State University Library

Beyond diagnosis case formulation in cognitive behavioural therapy

Beyond diagnosis case formulation in cognitive behavioural therapy edited by Michael Bruch - Second - West Sussex John Wiley & Sons 2015. - 234 pages illustrations

Includes bibliographocal references and index.

Chapter 1 - The development of case formulation approaches / Michael Bruch, 2 - The UCL case formulation model : clinical process and procedures / Michael Bruch, 3 - Case formulation : a hypothesis testing process / Richard S. Hallam, 4 - Case formulation and the therapeutic relationship / Peter G. AuBuchon, 5 - The therapeutic relationship as the central intervention in a case of complex PTSD and OCD / Peter G. AuBuchon, 6 - Generalized anxiety disorder : personalized case formulation and treatment / Kieron O'Connor, Amelie Drolet-Marcoux, Genevieve Larocque and Karolan Gervais, 7 - Cognitive behavioural formulation and the scientist-practitioner : working with an adolescent boy / David A. Lane and Sarah Corrie, 8 - Cognitive-behavioural case formulation in the treatment of a complex case of social anxiety disorder and substance misuse / Samia Ezzamel, Marcantonio M. Spada and Ana V. Nikievie.

The second edition of Beyond Diagnosis is a fully updated and expanded examination of Vic Meyer's pioneering caseformulation approach and its application to cognitive behavioraltherapy.-Recommends dynamic, individualized assessment over standarddiagnostic classification for complex individual problems -Presents detailed analysis of advanced cases that are relevantfor clinical practice -Features a foreword by Ira Turkat, as well as discussion of themost up-to-date clinical procedures from a world-wide group of caseformulation experts.

9781119960768 (cloth) 9781119960751 (pbk)

Psychiatry --Case formulation
Psychiatry --Differential therapeutics
Cognitive therapy.
Panic disorders

RC473.C7 BEY