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Principles and practice of marketing

Blythe, Jim

Principles and practice of marketing Jim Blythe - 3rd - Los Angeles Sage 2014 - 772 pages coloured illustrations 27 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

PART 1 - Concepts and ContextsChapter 1 - Marketing: Managing the Exchange Process Chapter 2 - The Marketing Environment PART 2 - Markets and PeopleChapter 3 - Consumer Behaviour Chapter 4 - Business-to-Business Marketing Chapter 5 - Marketing Research and Information SystemsChapter 6 - Segmentation, Targeting and PositioningChapter 7 - Integrated Marketing CommunicationsChapter 8 - International Marketing PART 3 - Strategy and StakeholdersChapter 9 - Marketing Strategy, Planning and Creating Competitive AdvantageChapter 10 - Marketing Ethics and Corporate Social ResponsibilityChapter 11 - Building Customer Relationships Chapter 12 - Product Portfolio and Strategic Branding PART 4 - Marketing in PracticeChapter 13 - New Product Innovation and Development Chapter 14 - Pricing and Strategic Decision MakingChapter 15 - Advertising across Different Media Chapter 16 - Public Relations and Sponsorship Chapter 17 - Promotion and SalesPART 5 - Marketing in MotionChapter 18 - Digital Marketing and Social Mediahapter 19 - Managing Distribution and Supply Chainshapter 20 - Retail and Wholesale MarketingChapter 21 - Services Marketing

With engaging real-life examples from brands such as Netflix and Paypal, this friendly textbook will lead students to exam success whilst encouraging them to think critically about key topics such as digital technologies, globalization and being green.

9781446274002 (pbk.) 9781446273999 (hbk.)


HF5415 BLY