Midlands State University Library

Working with Risk in Counselling and Psychotherapy

Reeves, Andrew

Working with Risk in Counselling and Psychotherapy created by Andrew Reeves - Los Angeles : SAGE, 2015 - 169 pages ill 22 cm - Essential issues in counselling and psychotherapy .

Text in English

Includes bibliographical references index

Working with risk is a reality for counsellors and psychotherapists. A sound understanding of risk and the practical skills for addressing it are therefore essential. In this book, Andrew Reeves explains the meaning of risk in counselling and psychotherapy, showing that rather than just a feature of therapy that either is or isn't present, it is in fact threaded through the therapeutic process. Offering practical advice and links to research and policy to inform ethical practice, the book tackles: The definition of risk and how risk is linked to social, psychological and relational factors. Work with those who are at risk of suicide, self-injury, self-harm and/or are a risk to others. Risk in situations involving child protection and mental health crises. Risks that can arise in the therapeutic process, such as boundary violation. Risks to the therapist, such as poor self-care. Working with risk proactively and the importance of positive risk-taking. Filled with case studies and points for reflection, this is an essential resource for counsellors and psychotherapists, as well as those working in other helping professions. Book jacket


Andrew Reeves

Risk--Counseling -- Vocational guidance--Psychotherapy -- Vocational guidance