Midlands State University Library

Echo made easy

Kaddoura, Sam

Echo made easy Sam Kaddoura - Third - Edinburgh Elsevier 2016 - 286 pages Ill. 18 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index

1. What is echo? --
Basic notions - Viewing the heart --
Echo techniques --
The normal echo --
Who should have an echo? --
Murmurs --
2. Valves --
Mitral valve (MV) --
Aortic valve (AV) --
Tricuspid valve (TV) --
Pulmonary valve (PV) --
3. Doppler - velocities and pressures --
Special use of Doppler --
Continuity equation --
4. Heart failure, myocardium and pericardium --
Heart failure --
Assessment of LV systolic function --
Coronary artery disease --
Cardiomyopathies and myocarditis --
Diastoic function --
Right heart and lungs --
Long-axis function --
Pericardial disease --
Device therapy for heart failure - cardiac resynchronization therapy --
5. Transoesophageal, 3-D and stress echo and other echo techniques --
Transoesophageal echo --
Stress echo --
Contrast echo --
Three-dimensional (3-D) echo --
Echo in special hospital settings --
6. Cardiac masses, infection, congenital abnormalities and aorta --
Cardiac masses --
Infection --
Artificial (prosthetic) valves --
Congenital abnormalities --
Aorta --
7. Special situations and conditions --
Pregnancy --
Rhythm disturbances --
Stroke, TIA and thromboembolism --
Hypertension and LVH --
Breathlessness and peripheral oedema --
Screening and follow-up echo --
Advanced age --
Echo abnormalities in some systemic diseases and conditions --
Individuals with cancer --
8. Performing and reporting on echo --
Performing an echo --
Reporting an echo.

"Echocardiography (echo), the use of ultrasound to examine the heart, is a powerful and safe technique which is now widely available for cardiovascular investigation. This simple and highly praised text is a practical and clinically useful introduction to the subject. It aims to explain the echo techniques available, outlines what they are most suitable for, and most importantly puts echo into a clinical perspective. This book will be of value to all those who use or request echo, particularly doctors in training and medical students, but also physicians, surgeons, general practitioners, physiologists, technicians, nurses and paramedics."


Heart Diseases--Diagnostic imaging

RC683.5.U5 KAD