Midlands State University Library

Development of methods for the characterisation of roughness in three dimensions

Development of methods for the characterisation of roughness in three dimensions edited by K J Stout - London Butterworths Heinemann 1993 - 358 pages

Includes bibliographical references and index.

1. Updating introduction to this revised reprint; 2. An integrated approach to the assessment of 3-D micro-topography; 3. Techniques and fidelity of data collection; 4. Measurement strategy of the stylus instrument; 5. Effects of stylus geometry and loading;6. Fidelity of the measurement datum; 7. The selection of sampling conditions; 8. Specification for a unified data file format; 9. Reference for 3-D topography characterisation; 10. Digital filtering of 3-D surface topography; 11. Characterisation techniques;12. Parameters for characterising 3-D surfaces; 13. The effects of quantisation on 3-D topography characterisation; 14. Functional characterisation of engineering surfaces ; 15. Calibration of surface topography instruments.

Based on research funded by the European Commission, this book provides a basis for a unified approach to three-dimensional surface finish assessment. It covers a range of issues related to 3-D micro-topography, with a focus on standardization, measurement, characterization and interpretation


Surface roughness--Measurement --Methodology

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