Midlands State University Library

Diagnostic pathology : placenta

Diagnostic pathology : placenta edited by Amy Heerema-McKenney, Edwina J Popek and Monique E De Paepe - Philadelphia Elsevier 2019 - 413 pages illustrations 29 cm

Preceded by Diagnostic pathology. Placenta / [edited by] Amy Heerema-McKenney and [11 others]. [2015].
"Enhanced digital version"--Cover.
"Includes new international consensus terminology and criteria"--Cover.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Section 1: Overview of gross and microscopic changes. Umbilical cord ; Extraplacental membranes ; Chorionic plate ; Stem villi ; Chroionic villi ; Septa, intervillous space, and basal plate ; Decidua -- Section 2: Placental diagnoses. Meconium ; Amniotic fluid infection sequence ; Placental infections with villitis and other findings ; Chronic inflammatory lesions ; Massive perivillous fibrin deposition and maternal floor infarction ; Fetal vascular malperfusion ; Placental abruption ; Villous hypervascular lesions ; Gestational trophoblastic disease, related lesions, and other tumors ; Placental mesenchymal dysplasia -- Section 3: Placental evaluation in special circumstances. Diabetes in pregnancy and maternal obesity ; Preeclampsia and maternal vascular malperfusion ; Fetal-maternal hemorrhage ; Intrauterine growth restriction ; Prematurity ; Abnormal placental implantation ; Intrauterine fetal demise ; Multiple gestations ; Maternal complications of pregnancy -- Section 4: Appendix. Reference charts for placental evaluation ; Sample templates for placental evaluation.


Amy Heerema-McKenney

Placenta --Diagnosis--Diseases
Placenta --Pathology