Crash course haematology and immunology
Gargani, Yousef
Crash course haematology and immunology Yousef, Gargani, edited by Dan Horton - Szar, Caroline Shiach and Matthew Helbert - 4th updated - Edinburgh Elsevier Mosby 2015 - 181 pages Illustrations - Crash course series . - Horton-Szar, Dan editor - BSc(hons), MBBS(hons), MRCGP Northgate Medical Practice, Canterbury, Kent, UK Shiach, Caroline Faculty advisor - BSc (Hons), MBChB, MD, FRCPath, FRCP Consultant Haematologist, University Department of Haematology Wythenshawe Hospital, South Manchester University Hospitals NHS Trust, Manchester, UK Helbert, Mathew Faculty advisor - MBShB, FRCP, FRCPath, PhD Consultant Immunologist, Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester, UK .
Includes index.
Commencing with 'Learning Objectives', every chapter guides you succinctly through the topic, giving full coverage of the curriculum whilst avoiding unnecessary and often confusing detail. A fully self-assessment section matching the latest exam formats is also included. This volume presents two of the fastest moving medical disciplines, immunology and haematology, where molecular discoveries rapidly translate into new diagnostic tests and treatments in everyday medicine. this book clearly relates the important underlying principles in these areas with the latest clinical applications.
Immunology--Outlines, Syllabi, etc
Haematology--Outlines, Syllabi, etc
Blood--Diseases--Outlines, Syllabi, etc
Blood cells
QR182.55 GAR
Crash course haematology and immunology Yousef, Gargani, edited by Dan Horton - Szar, Caroline Shiach and Matthew Helbert - 4th updated - Edinburgh Elsevier Mosby 2015 - 181 pages Illustrations - Crash course series . - Horton-Szar, Dan editor - BSc(hons), MBBS(hons), MRCGP Northgate Medical Practice, Canterbury, Kent, UK Shiach, Caroline Faculty advisor - BSc (Hons), MBChB, MD, FRCPath, FRCP Consultant Haematologist, University Department of Haematology Wythenshawe Hospital, South Manchester University Hospitals NHS Trust, Manchester, UK Helbert, Mathew Faculty advisor - MBShB, FRCP, FRCPath, PhD Consultant Immunologist, Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester, UK .
Includes index.
Commencing with 'Learning Objectives', every chapter guides you succinctly through the topic, giving full coverage of the curriculum whilst avoiding unnecessary and often confusing detail. A fully self-assessment section matching the latest exam formats is also included. This volume presents two of the fastest moving medical disciplines, immunology and haematology, where molecular discoveries rapidly translate into new diagnostic tests and treatments in everyday medicine. this book clearly relates the important underlying principles in these areas with the latest clinical applications.
Immunology--Outlines, Syllabi, etc
Haematology--Outlines, Syllabi, etc
Blood--Diseases--Outlines, Syllabi, etc
Blood cells
QR182.55 GAR