Midlands State University Library

Brave men, brave ships / created by Helen Orlob

Orlob, Helen

Brave men, brave ships / created by Helen Orlob - Ladder edition - 125 pages. - The ladder series .

'A ladder edition at the 2,000-word level adapted by AN Keats.'

Chapter 1 The turtle, 2 - The good ship "constellation",3 - The cruise of the "Essex". 4 - War on the pirates, 5 - The U.S.Navy in the Antarctic, 6 - Camel ship, 7 - The sinking of the "Albermarle", 8 The relief of the greely expedition, 9 - A blockship for Santiago, 10 - Lieutenant Izac, 11 - The last days of the U.S.S. Pope, 12 - The order of Panapos.


United States, Navy