Midlands State University Library

The school curriculum

Richmond, William K.

The school curriculum W. K. Richmond - London Methuen 1971 - viii, 279 p. illus. 23 cm.

Includes bibliographical references

Introduction 1. New Trends in Curriculum Planning Part 1: The Management of Innovation: Practice 2. American Education Makes Up for Lost Time 3. Response to Change: The English Experience 4. New Directions for a New Society: The French Transformation 5. Authors, Authorities and Authoritarianism Part 2: The Management of Innovation: Theory 6. Learning Situations into Life Situations 7. Aims and/or Objectives? Death is the Only Terminal Behaviour 8. What Knowledge is of Any Worth? 9. 'Christ, What a Way to Grow Up!': The Drop-Out Generation 10. Stuff and Nonsense in the Curriculum


Curriculum planning