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Case studies and theory development in the social sciences

George, Alexander L

Case studies and theory development in the social sciences Alexander L George and Andrew Bennett - London MIT Press 2005 - 331 pages - BCSIA Studies in International Security .

Includes bibliographical references and index

pt. I. Case studies and social science. Case studies and theory development ; Case study methods and research on the interdemocratic peace -- A pedagogical note to Parts II and III -- pt. II. How to do case studies. The method of structured, focused comparison ; Phase one: Designing case study research ; Phase two: Carrying out the case studies ; Phase three: Drawing the implications of case findings for theory -- pt. III. Alternative methods and select issues. Case studies and the philosophy of science ; Comparative methods: controlled comparison and within-case analysis ; The congruence method ; Process-tracing and historical explanation ; Integrating comparative and within-case analysis: typological theory ; Case studies and policy-relevant theory -- Appendix: Studies that illustrate research design.

A text that emphasizes the importance of case studies in social science scholarship and shows how to make case study practices more rigorous.

9780262072571 0262072572

Social sciences--Methodology
Social sciences--Case studies