Midlands State University Library

Contract :

Van Huyssteen, L. F.

Contract : general principles L.F. Van Huyssteen, G.F. Lubbe and M.F.B. Reinecke - Fifth - Cape Town Juta 2016 - 697 pages 25 cm

Also available in Afrikaans under title: Kontraktereg : algemene beginsels

Includes bibliographical references and index

Introduction -- Basis of contractual liability -- Offer and acceptance -- Consensus obtained by improper means -- Formalities -- Possibility of performance -- Legality -- Certainty -- Contents and operation of a contract -- Breach of contract -- Remedies for breach of contract -- Cession -- Termination of obligations.

"This book examines the concepts, principles and rules relating to contracts, and considers the jurisprudential, constitutional and social context in which contract law operates...The book explores the theoretical basis and structure of the South African law of contract and discusses the role played by the courts - including discussions of the latest court decisions - in the interpretation and application of these rules and principles. Where the law is not settled divergent opinions are considered and solutions offered, sometimes also with reference to foreign jurisdictions. This fifth edition...highlights the importance of the Consumer Protection Act in relation to the construction and conclusion of contracts, while close attention is also paid to the influence of constitutional jurisprudence and the principle of good faith in the formation of binding legal agreements. While the basic approach of the work has been retained, it has been substantially refined and reworked in many chapters."

9781485109761 1485109760

Contracts--South Africa